א – חישוב ערך TDN מהרכב כימי על פי ה-NRC 2001; ב – חישוב אנרגיה נטו ל-3 כפולות קיום מ-TDN ברמת קיום על פי מו וטירל ran | 12/11/2020 banana
Rewrite the rules to work for you; follow these tips to capture the benefits of a negative DCAD diet in any management scenario ran | 09/11/2020 banana
Interpreting Urine pH of Pre-Fresh Cows Differing in Metabolic Acid-Base Status; Questions that were submitted by webinar attendees ran | 09/11/2020 banana
A PP presentation: Understanding Urine pH of Pre-Fresh Cows Differing in Metabolic Acid-Base Status ran | 09/11/2020 banana